October 1 - October 31 is Public Sector Month. Any attorney who works in the public sector or for a not-for-profit will receive 10% off of their membership if they sign up during the month of October. Enter the discount code PUBLIC10 at checkout.
November 1 - November 30 is New Attorney Month. Any student, 2024 graduate, or attorney who has been practicing less than 5 years will receive 10% off of their membership if they sign up during the month of November. Enter the discount code NEW10 at checkout.
Select your membership category below, complete the membership form, then click the Cart to check out and apply the discount code.
Join us!
We support women in the legal profession throughout Western New York and the rest of the state. Together with 19 sister WBASNY Chapters, we are part of a statewide organization of over 4,400 attorneys.
Thank you for your interest in becoming a member or renewing your WBASNY membership online. Review the membership benefits and membership dues options below and join or contact us with any questions.
Our Chapter
Together with our 19 sister WBASNY Chapters, we are part of a statewide organization of over 4400 attorneys. Our chapter carries an influential voice on legislative initiatives, public policy, and judicial nominations, including judicial rating procedures and active involvement in the Western New York judicial process. Our members are partners and associates from firms of all sizes, solo practitioners, law professors, elected and appointed officials, public employees, and in-house counsel, practicing in all different areas of the law. We provide a series of seminars, lectures, and educational events concerning vital and timely legal issues.
Membership Benefits
Serve on a Committee that interests you
Exclusive networking and career opportunities
Become involved in community service projects
Promote legislation on important issues affecting women
Attending Continuing Legal Education (CLE) programs at a discounted price
Meet and socialize with diverse, like-minded professionals
Become or find a mentor for professional and/or personal growth
Select the membership category that best fits your profile and suits your needs.
WNY Chapter membership (except Student) includes state-level WBASNY membership.
NEW! If you join/renew on line, there is no need to return a separate application form!
*Please note, our membership year is June 1- May 31.
Does not include state-level WBASNY membership
Attorneys admitted 5 years or fewer
Attorneys admitted more than 5 years
Includes an Installation ticket and covers a Sponsored Membership Learn more here
If paying by check, please make payable to “WNY Chapter WBASNY” and send with your completed membership application to:
P.O. Box 1012
Niagara Square Station
Buffalo, NY 14201-1012